International 57 ba\ler manual. Never used, Dutch manual.
Auch das fünfte Buch von Helmut Unrath ist Anleitung und praktisches Nachschlagewerk zugleich – sei es bei der Fehlersuche, beim Neuverkabeln oder beim Beschaffen des nötigen Zubehörs für IHC-Traktoren.
Kniffe und Tricks vom Praktiker, Schaltpläne für alle Typen der IHC-D-Baureihe und eine komplette Auflistung sämtlicher Teile der elektrischen Anlage jedes Typs helfen die Hürden der „Schlepper-Elektrik“ erfolgreich zu überwinden.
Behandelt werden im Einzelnen: DLD 2, DED/DED 3, DGD 4, die D-Linie 2 der 2-, 3- und 4-Zylinder-Schlepper sowie die Typen 440 und 514.
Athors: Helmut Unrath
148 pages
German written
Publisher: Schwungrad Verlag
McCormick/IHC seit 1976 Typenkompass
This book presents all the major information about the McCormick/IHC tractors from 1976 up to the end of production of the Maxxum in Neus by a presentation in chronological order per tractor model with the main technical details in tabel form.
The story of the four-wheel-drive tractors built by Steiger, International Harvester, Case, and Case IH is told in dramatic fashion in this authoritative guide. Starting with the development of early four-wheel-drive systems at International Harvester, the book traces the evolution and design some of the most powerful and capable tractors of the twentieth century. With fresh detail on the 4300, 4100, Steiger-built IH tractors, and the 2+2 tractors including the Super 70 series, the book offers prototype drawings of several models--including the complete story of the never-before-published Magnum 2+2-- as well as inside stories and backroom drama that is a must for any enthusiast for farm history or tractors.
Learn the complete story of Steiger tractors, which were originally designed and built in the barn of John, Douglass, and Maurice Steiger located near Red Lake Falls, Minnesota. Containing interviews with more than 50 of the people who built Steiger from its humble origin to a world leader, the book traces the evolution of the lime green Steigers in engrossing detail. The book also covers the J.I. Case 4WD line in great detail. In addition, the book tells the story of how each of these significant players in the industry combined under one banner and—together—created one of the current industry-leading technologies, the Quadtrac. The modern evolution of the Steigers and the introduction of the STX Series (and more) also receive in-depth coverage.
The same team that created the award-winning books Red Tractors 1958–2013 and Red Combines 1915–2015 created this book, and notable new contributors include Sherry Schaefer (editor of Heritage Iron magazine) and noted historian Jim Allen. Contributors include Sherry Schaefer, Oscar H. Will III, Jim Allen, Kenneth Updike, Todd Markle, Gregg Montgomery, Guy Fay, Martin Rickatson, Sarah Tomac, Matthias Buschmann, Jean Cointe, Michael Osweiler, and Johann Dittmer.
History of Internatioanl Harvester and especially the French part of the storu
Der Leser erhält in der Ausgabe 2014 dieses Buches Einblick in Geschichte und Gegenwart des weltweit agierenden Konzerns, der sich seit über 100 Jahren den Belangen der Landwirtschaft verpflichtet fühlt: von der Historie der ersten 25 Jahre des Neusser IH-Werkes über einen türkischen Schlepper mit IH-Logo und der Entschlüsselung der zahlreichen Neusser Getreidebinder-Typen bis zur Vorstellung des neuesten Case IH „Steiger Quadtrac“ Schleppers mit 670 PS.
Eine Weltkarte verdeutlicht die einstige weltweite Liefertätigkeit des Werkes aus Neuss am Rhein. Anekdoten aus dem Werk geben Anlass zum Schmunzeln. Im Buch finden sich auch bislang unveröffentlichte Fakten und Bilder, so z. B. die Entwicklung mit Hindernissen eines Schleppers bis zu seiner Serienfreigabe. Interessant ist der Vergleich zwischen 100-PS-Maschinen aus damaliger und heutiger Zeit. Hier wird die Entwicklung des Schlepperbaus der letzten Jahrzehnte sehr deutlich.
Sammler von Modellen, Prospekten und Werbeartikeln erhalten eine Vorstellung neuer Modelle, eine Übersicht der Prospekte des Jahres 1934, der Werbeartikel des Jahres 1972. Angesprochen wird für geschichtlich Interessierte auch die Frage, welche Werkzeitungen damals erschienen sind.
Unter anderem folgende Beiträge
International Harvesters news in 16 chapters.
Hardcover, 144 pages, Format 17 x 24 cm, about primarily full color photo's, written in German.
Auch das zweite Jahrbuch von Matthias Buschmann und Johann Dittmer enthält wieder viele lesenswerte Informationen rund um das Thema der roten Traktoren aus Neuss.
Unter anderem folgende Beiträge:
International Harvesters news in 16 chapters.
Neuss factory 1935-1960
Model 453 All Wheel drive
IH Combines
from IH to Case IH
stories from the factory
the former Case IH premises
narrow track tractors
collectors portrait (Tim Bollwerk)
Agritechnica 2013
Leaflets 1940-1950
TRX prototypes of 1987
Hardcover, 144 pages, Format 17 x 24 cm, about 150 primarily full color photo's, written in German.
Red Combines 1915-2020
This award-winning book chronicles the complete story of the red combine’s impact on agriculture and society. Co-authored by long-time IH and Case IH product manager Gerry Salzman, Red Combines 1915–2020 is a unique collaboration that featured Klancher's storytelling ability and Salzman's knowledge from 42 years as an industry leader and insider.
The second edition features: updates on the latest Case IH combines, new photography, a slightly smaller size, and more affordable price!
The book includes photographs and details about every International Harvester and Case IH combine built in the United States and abroad, and tells the story of the creation of the Axial-Flow combine, which was developed in a garage so secret only a few people knew it existed. The Axial-Flow combine was a technological leap that transformed the industry when introduced in 1977. The book covers the entire line of red combines, including the CBX, a top-secret mega-combine built in the 1990s. Also included is brief coverage of J.I. Case combines. Authored by Lee Klancher and the team of talented contributors who created the award-winning Red Tractors 1958–2013, this thorough and entertaining book is another captivating volume sure to please fans of agricultural equipment and farm history.
Technical details, factory options, correct paint and decals and a lot of in depth information that you will find usefull to restore or judge your Farmall 100-series tractor. All new photographs of restored tractors.
From the first tractor built in 1924 to the last Farmall model to roll off the line, this richly illustrated history tells the full story of Farmall tractors and fills in a key chapter of American agricultural history.
The engaging text by Kenneth Updike, a historian on International Harvester, is accompanied by modern and vintage color photography, as well as black and white images from Farmall’s early days. Farmer, mechanic, tractor enthusiast: whatever your interest in this American icon, you will find a captivating account of its manufacture under the beloved Farmall brand.
Complete story of the Cub and Cub Cadet tractors. From the early Cub of the 1940's up to the end of the Cub Cadet in the early eighties.
Farmall Regular and F-series - Collector's Originality Guide.
Want to know what is original on your Regular of F-series Farmall? Looking for detailed information on serial numbers? Than this is your book! Very well illustrated with color photo's and very informative about what makes the difference between one and the other F-series Farmall tractor.
International Harvester Data Book
Put everything you need to know about IH tractors in your hip pocket! Beginning with the Mc Cormick Deering 15-30 of 1921, the book includes all wheeled tractors produced afterwards up to the last 650 produced in 1958, including the revolutionary Farmall Regular, the widely popular M and the diminutive Cub.
Includes serial numbers, dates of manufacture, known options, original prices, and more. The tractor versions include the collectible models, generally from those built from the teens to the sixties.
Paperback, 4-1/2" x 7-1/2", 224 pages, 50 b/w photographs
English written
publisher: Motorboooks
writer: Guy /Fay
Red Tractors 1958 - 2018
The latest edition of the award-winning history of International Harvester and Case IH tractors features an all-new cover and updated content, including data and photos of every model built from 1958 all the way up to 2018, as well as in-depth information on how these tractors were designed and constructed. Red Tractors 1958–2018 is a complete reprint of Red Tractors 1958–2013 and then some!
With interviews of engineers and executives, the book covers how the 40 and 60 series were created, and thoroughly covers the red tractors from the 1960s through the 1980s. The book also traces the innovations and struggles of the final days of International Harvester. The authors unearthed a treasure trove of concept drawings and photos of prototype machines to shed new light on how these tractors were created. The book includes the exciting story of the creation of the Case-IH Magnum, an innovative machine that blends some of the great engineering done by IH with the Cummins engine built by Case. The modern era of Case IH is also included, with the story of the creation of the Quadtrac as well as the entire line of tractors. With a mix of new photography of some of the most exceptional collectible models in existence along with hundreds of previously unpublished photographs, this thorough book is the most authoritative guide on red tractors ever published.
IHC/Case-IH Traktoren im Einsatz
Book about the history of the German (Neuss) built IHC and Case-IH tractors. Presented in chronological order from the F12 and DF 25 up to the legendary IH and Case IH 1455.
International Harvester - Schlepper von 5 Kontinenten. This book contains the history of IH tractors from 1904 till 1985. The book describes over 400 tractors, many times in detail with a lot of back ground information. The book also contains technical data and production figures. Tractors made in USA, Germany, France, Japan, Phillippines, England, France, Sweden, South Afrika, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia.
Athors: Matthias Buschmann, Johann Dittmer
192 pages
German written
Publisher: Schwungrad Verlag
This book presents all the major information about the McCormick/IHC tractors from 1937 to 1975 by a presentation in chronological order per tractor model with the main technical details in tabel form.
The roar of Dust and Diesel. A 200 page hard bound book by writer Mike Teanby about the history of the Mc Cormick factory in Doncaster, England. The book describes the history of IH in a world wide perspective from the early beginnings till the New Holland take over. So it therefore also pays attention to many American made products in respect to the Doncaster history. A well illustrated book with many full colour photo's and ofcourse some black and white images of the former factory archives.
Agricultural & Construction Equipment 1956-1994
Historical document of the history of Case tractors. The tractors, implements and also the construction equipment and military equipment is included. The book provides a lot of background information, also about the buy out of the IH agricultural division and the development of new tractors and machinery. Photo's are primarily from original Case archives.
Chronlogical summary and description of all American tractors by International Harvester. From Mogul and Titan up to the end of the IH production in 1985. Emphasis is on Farmall tractors and the later row crop models. The last chapter gives an impression of the Case IH tractors of the 1985-2000 period. Photo's are primarily of restored tractors in private collections.
Product History 1831-1985
Historical document of the full American International Harvester agricultural program from the first traction engine in 1906 to the last tractor built, the 5488 on May 14th 1985. Besides tractors also an extensive review of the implements and combines made by IC in the USA. The publication is based on factory archives that were never published before. Also some prototypes included of machines that never went into production.
Schlepper und Landmaschinen aus Neuss am Rhein 1908 bis 1966
Chronlogical review of tractors and machines that were produced in Neuss, Germany, till 1966. Includes information about production numbers, serial numbers and years built. Primarily based on the reprints of original sales and advertising literature.