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    200 jaar Friese landbouwmechanisatie


    200 jaar Friese landbouwmechanisatie


    Book about the history of the companies involved with farm machinery in the Dutch province Friesland.

    • 448 pages
    • hard bound
    • Dutch written
    • many historical photographs
    €45,78 excluding shipping
    In stock

    DDR Traktoren aus Schönebeck


    DDR Traktoren aus Schönebeck.

    History of all the tractors that were made in the Schönebeck factory in the EGR era.

    Wie in Westdeutschland erfuhr auch im Osten Deutschlands der Traktorenbau nach dem verlorenen Krieg einen Aufschwung. In der DDR bestimmten die staatlichen Wirtschaftsplaner das neu gegründete Schlepperwerk Schönebeck zum Zentrum der Traktorenentwicklung und -konstruktion. In den folgenden Jahren und Jahrzehnten war Schönebeck verantwortlich für viele wichtige ostdeutsche Schleppermodelle, die Frank Rönicke alle in diesem Band vorstellt: Angefangen vom Geräteträger »Maulwurf« über den RS 08/15 und RS 09 bis hin zu dem eindrucksvoll großen und schon äußerlich sehr modern wirkenden ZT 300.

    • 96 pages
    • hard cover, 265 x 230 mm
    • 49 black and white photo's, 97 color photo's
    • German written
    • author: Frank Rönicke
    • publisher: Motorbuch Verlag
    €11,88 excluding shipping
    In stock



    DDR Landmaschinen.

    History of the implements that were made in Eastern Germany in the EGR era.

    Auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR kamen 4,6 Millionen Hektar unter den Pflug ? eine Aufgabe nicht nur für Traktoren vom Typ »Aktivist«, »Pionier« oder »Brockenhexe«, sondern auch für die Landmaschinen und Geräteträger aus eigener Fertigung. Der Autor setzt in diesem großartigen Bild- und Textband diesen verdienten Aktivisten ein Denkmal. Akribisch recherchiert und ausführlich dokumentiert, liefert er einen umfassenden Überblick über das, was im Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat die Felder bestellte. Abgerundet durch technische Daten, überzeugt dieses Buch einmal mehr durch Kompetenz, Sachlichkeit und Zeitkolorit.

    • 96 pages
    • hard cover, 265 x 230 mm
    • 160 photo's
    • German written
    • author: Frank Rönicke
    • publisher: Motorbuch Verlag
    €11,88 excluding shipping
    In stock

    DDR Traktoren aus Nordhausen


    DDR Traktoren aus Nordhausen.

    History of all the tractors that were made in the Nordhausen factory in the EGR era.

    Die spätere DDR war nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg im Traktoren- und Schlepperbau stark benachteiligt. Nur zwei klassische Hersteller, beide in Nordhausen ansässig, waren der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone geblieben und mussten praktisch bei Null beginnen. So konnten die zusammengelegten Nordhäuser Werke erst ab 1949 eine bescheidene Serienproduktion starten. Obwohl sie sich auf eine große Zukunft im Schlepperbau eingerichtet hatten, mussten die zusammengelegten Nordhäuser Werke, staatlich verordnet, im Oktober 1965 die Produktion einstellen. Was bleibt, ist die Erinnerung an einige unvergessliche DDR-Traktoren: Dieses Buch von Frank Rönicke erzählt ihre Geschichte.

    • 96 pages
    • hard cover, 265 x 230 mm
    • 42 black and white photo's, 91 color photo's
    • German written
    • author: Frank Rönicke
    • publisher: Motorbuch Verlag
    €11,88 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Enzyklopädie Deutscher Landmaschinen


    Enzyklopädie Deutscher Landmaschinen.


    This encyclopedia of the history of implements is mainly based on old sales literature.

    Nach der Jahrhundertwende entstand in Deutschland geradezu ein Boom im Landmaschinenbau: Vom Pflug bis zur Mähmaschine, von der Egge bis zur Melkmaschine - unzählige Unternehmen boten Lösungen für jeden nur denkbaren Einsatzzweck an. Als der Markt schließlich konsolidierte, blieben nur Firmen übrig, die Nischenbereiche besetzten, von größeren Herstellern übernommen wurden oder fusionierten. Klaus Dreyer und Marco Homrighausen legen mit diesem Band eine umfassende, lückenlose Enzyklopädie der deutschen Landmaschinenhersteller vor, die seit Beginn der Mechanisierung das Leben der Landwirte erleichtern.

    • 368 pages
    • hard cover, 265 x 230 mm
    • German written
    • author: Marco Homrighausen / Klaus Dreyer
    • publisher: Motorbuch Verlag
    €45,78 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Ackerschlepper / Traktoren


    Ackerschlepper / Traktoren  - Historische Dokumente des deutschen Traktorenbaus


    Survey of the German tractor industry through original sales literature.

    • 128 pages
    • 25,5 * 25,5 cm
    • hard bound
    • German written
    • Publisher: Schrader Verlag
    • Author: Gebhardt, Wolfgang H
    €16,51 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Ackerschlepper / Traktoren Band 2


    Ackerschlepper / Traktoren Band 2 - Historische Dokumente des deutschen Traktorenbaus


    Survey of the German tractor industry through original sales literature.

    • 128 pages
    • 25,5 * 25,5 cm
    • hard bound
    • German written
    • Publisher: Schrader Verlag
    • Author: Gebhardt, Wolfgang H
    €16,51 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Deutsche Raupenschlepper


    Survey of German crawler tractors. Names like Faun, Hanomag, Lanz, Büssing, Dürkopp.

    • 95 pages
    • 19,5 * 21 cm
    • hard bound
    • German written
    • Publisher: Schrader Verlag
    • Author: Gebhardt, Wolfgang H
    €16,51 excluding shipping
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    British Opencast Coal


    British Opencast Coal: A Photographic History 1942-1985

    British Opencast Coal is an illustrated history of coal mining by surface methods from 1942 to 1985. Written by Keith Haddock, a leading authority on the subject, this book details the origins of the industry and documents the types of earthmoving machines employed during the first forty years. The book highlights the importance of surface coal mining operations and site restoration and their necessity for the British economy.

    Meticulously researched, the facts, figures and data covered are taken from Keith’s extensive collection of magazine articles, newspaper cuttings and manufacturers’ machine brochures and specifications. They are also drawn from publications by the National Coal Board Opencast Executive and Keith’s own research conducted on numerous site visits.  The sites included represent a cross section of geologically different locations in England, Scotland and Wales, and those employing the most interesting variety of earthmoving machines, such as Maesgwyn in South Wales, Newman Spinney in Derbyshire, Radar North in Northumberland and Ox-Bow in Yorkshire.

    The book’s 364 historical photographs, many taken for the National Coal Board or British Coal Opencast, provide a nostalgic look at obsolete earthmoving and heavy construction equipment, and form an excellent historical resource for the student, researcher or enthusiast.

    About the author

    Keith Haddock has had a long career in earthmoving and surface mining.  After graduating as a professional engineer, he worked for major earthmoving contractors in the UK on highways, dams and opencast coal sites until moving to Canada in 1974 to work for a large surface coal mining company.  He left his position as Manager of Engineering in 1998 to become a full-time author and freelance writer on heavy equipment, and since then has written innumerable articles in the trade press and researched, appeared on or contributed to many TV programmes and DVDs on the subject. This is his twelfth book.

    Hardback book, 288 x 226 mm.244 pages 

    • publisher: Old Pond
    • 244 pages, hard cover
    • 364 black and white photo's
    • writer: Keith Haddock
    • English written
    €34,40 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Farm Machinery 6th Edition



    Farm Machinery 6th Edition 

    Farm Machinery is the standard book on the current theory and practice of farm mechanisation for students and farmers. First published in 1979, this new sixth edition incorporates much new text together with 280 new colour photographs illustrating the steady flow of developments in farm mechanisation that have taken place over the past decade. Recent advances in computer technology and satellite field mapping are included and new content enriches the earlier material dealing with the working principles and operation of the vast array of the somewhat less sophisticated farm tractors and machines still in use on British farms.

    There are chapters on tractors, cultivation and drilling equipment, crop care and harvest machinery. Further chapters deal with farmyard and estate maintenance equipment, mechanical handlers, dairy equipment, irrigation farm power and the farm workshop. References are made to the UK Health & Safety at Work Act and other safety regulations. These summarise their main requirements, but they should only be taken as a guide.



     Written in English


    336 pages

    Author Brian Bell

    Old Pond publication (2016)

    €22,89 excluding shipping
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    Modern Tractors


    Modern Tractors, a photographic Collection. Photo's of tractors both at work or at agricultural shows.

    •  165 pages
    • 27 * 22 cm
    • hard cover
    • writers: Stephen Richmond & Jonathan Whitlam
    €13,76 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Tracteurs a chenilles


    History of the crawler tractor in France. American, English, European and also typical French crawlers. Lots of photo's. lots of information. From the early beginnings up to the first Caterpillar Challengers.


    • Writer: Jean Noulin
    • text in French.
    • 190 pg.
    • Hard bound
    €32,11 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Oldtimer album


    93 reprints of oldtimer tractor photo's that were previously published in the Dutch magazine "Trekker".

    •  93 pages
    • 30 * 22 cm
    • hard cover
    €13,76 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Europäische Schmalspurtraktoren


    Europäische Schmalspurtraktoren

    In seinem bereits 2001 erschienenen Buch "Schmalspurtraktoren" wies der Autor darauf hin, dass die Liste der dort beschriebenen Traktoren nicht vollständig sei. Jetzt legt er die Ergänzung vor. Dabei werden auch kleine regionale Hersteller berücksichtigt, weil die oft entscheidend an der Entwicklung der großartigen Technik auf kleinstem Raum mitgewirkt haben.

    Das Buch dokumentiert die Entstehung und Weiterentwicklung der Mechanisierung im Wein-, Hopfen- und Obstbau in Europa. Marken wie Allgaier, Bungartz, Carraro, Deutz, Frieg, Güldner, Hieble, Hummel, MAN, Sieben Erben, Steyr und auch kleine regionale Hersteller sind berücksichtigt.

    Narrow track tractors in ?Europe. Allgaier, Bungartz, Carraro, Deutz, Hieble-Bergmeister, Hummel, Krapp, Sieben Erben.

    • German written
    • 144 pages
    • 380 photo's
    • 28 * 21 cm
    • hard bound

    €22,89 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    DDR- Landmaschinen und Traktoren


    Traktoren und Landmaschinen - DDR-Importe aus den RGW-Staaten - Typen-Kompass

    Survey of the tractors that were imported from the Sovjet Union, Tjechoslovakia, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria into the EGR.
    • 111 pages
    • soft cover; 14 x 20,5 cm
    • 49 black and white and 55 colour photo's
    • writer: Horst Hintersdorf
    • publisher: Motorbuch Verlag

    €11,51 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    How to Restore Tractor Magnetos



    publisher: Octane Press

    writer: Neil Yerigan

    Format: Paperback 

    Authored by the late Neil Yerigan, who was a master of working with vintage electronics, the book comprehensively covers how magnetos function as well as how to troubleshoot and repair common problems. The fine art of non-destructive disassembly is covered in detail and is a key ingredient to keeping your magneto (and your tractor) happy and running. Now back in print, How To Restore Tractor Magnetos includes sections on the most common magnetos, including those made by Wico, American Bosch, International Harvester, Fairbanks-Morse, Case, Eiseman and more. Also included is voltage regulator field repair and testing, electric starter motors, and wiring advice. Yerigan augments the book's technical detail with anecdotes about the trials and tribulations of day-to-day life in his state-of-the-art (for 1936) south Minneapolis electrical repair shop.

    Pages: 184

    Copyright Year: 2011


    €23,81 excluding shipping
    In stock

    British Tractors 1945-1965


    From Allis Chalmers to Vickers, the A-Z of the UK tractor industry in the years between 1945 and 1965 – an era when Britain mechanised the world’s farms – is a wonderful story of personal endeavour and pioneering innovation.

    Man power on farms was short, and the situation was made more critical by the US Government’s decision to terminate the wartime Lend-Lease agreement, resulting in a restriction on imports of wheeled tractors from the USA.

    Both new and existing British manufacturers, including the famous names of David Brown, Ferguson, Fordson and Nuffield, rose to meet the challenge. However, American firms, such as International Harvester, Massey-Harris and Minneapolis-Moline, were determined not to be left on the sidelines and managed to circumvent the import restrictions by establishing their own plants in the UK. The result was an eclectic mix of tractor makers – from vast factories engaged in mass production to low-volume backyard enterprises that targeted the niche markets.

    This book presents the story from a fascinating viewpoint, using the manufacturers’ brochures and sales material of the period to reveal each tractor model in colourful and captivating detail. There are more than 400 images in all, giving a unique flavour of the times and an impression of the features that the firms were highlighting to promote their products.


    • 22 * 28 cm
    • hard bound
    • 167 pages
    • English written
    • editor: Stuart Gibbard
    €36,70 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Traktoren aus Österreich Prospekte


    Band 2

    Collection of salesliterature of tractors from Austria. In this volume you find the tractors of the following makers: all tractors of Steyr (up to the 290), Uxa, Vogel-Noot, Waibel, Warchalowski.


    • German written
    • 172 pages
    • hard bound
    • A4- format
    • editor: Johannes Engelmann
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €44,95 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Traktoren aus Österreich Prospekte


    Band 1

    Collection of salesliterature of tractors from Austria. In this volume you find the tractors of the following makers: Altmann, Drexler, Epple-Buxbaum, Garbe, Gottfried, Halleiner-Motorenwerke, Herkules, Hofherr-Schrantz-Clayton-Shuttleworth, Jessernigg, Kirchner, Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz, Krasser, Lindner, Moty-Trak, Ochsner, Perl, Pöttinger, Reform, Schicktanz, Simmering-Graz-Pauker


    • German written
    • 176 pages
    • hard bound
    • A4- format
    • editor: Johannes Engelmann
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €44,95 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Österreichische Traktoren von 1976 bis 2000


    Band 3

    Technical details of the Lindner, Steyr and Reform tractors, the only tractor makers that were in business in this period.


    • German written
    • 278 pages
    • hard bound
    • editor: Willi Plöchl
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €40,37 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Österreichische Traktoren bis 1975 Band 1


    Band 1: Austro-Fiat - Schicktanz

    Company history of the Austrian tractor industry. In alphabetical order,  Austro-Fiat - up to Schicktanz technical details of the different models. Also a brief introduction of the history of the  Austrian tractor industry.


    • German written
    • 288 pages
    • hard bound
    • editor: Willi Plöchl
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €40,37 excluding shipping
    Out of stock

    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde


    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde Band 1

     Clubs, Museen, Sammlungen  

    Primarily a collection of brief descriptions of private collections, clubs and museums  in Europe.  Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Australia.


    • German written
    • 368 pages
    • 640 photographs
    • hard bound
    • editor: Robert Geyer
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €13,72 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde


    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde Band 2

     Clubs International

     231 Clubs from the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Germany, France, GB, Iataly, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, South Africa, USA. Concerns tractors, steam and stationary engines.





    •  German written
    • 432 pages
    • 1100 photographs
    • hard bound
    • editor: Robert Geyer
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €18,30 excluding shipping
    In stock

    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde


    Handbuch für Traktor- und Landmaschinenfreunde Band 3

     Kunst, Museen, Sammlungen, Vergangene Zeiten, Veranstaltungen


    Primarily a collection of brief descriptions of private collections, museums and oldtimer rally's in Europe. Also a listing of tractor related magazines, a collection of old photographs and advertising.


    •  German written (some parts in English as well)
    • 384 pages
    • 900 photographs
    • hard bound
    • editor: Robert Geyer
    • publisher: Bulldog Press
    €18,30 excluding shipping